Tuesday, August 01, 2023

So you're in... now what?

At BYU-Pathway, the journey towards achieving your educational goals begins with PC101 - Life Skills. This foundational course equips students with essential skills, such as communication, problem-solving, and time and financial management, empowering them to make the most of their education and life's ambitions. As I embarked on this transformative learning experience, I also had the opportunity to attend the weekly Gathering, where I met Elder A and Elder B, whose initials amusingly matched their names.
The PC101 class went smoothly, although the specifics have somewhat faded from my memory. It covered various activities involving writing, math, and other fundamental skills, which laid the groundwork for personal and academic growth.
While engaging in PC101, it is recommended to begin taking at least one of the Cornerstone classes with Institute. These classes play a crucial role in preparing students for their future journey at BYU-Idaho. These are the four Cornerstone courses:
REL200 - The Eternal Family
REL225 - Foundations of the Restoration
REL250 - Jesus Christ and the Everlasting Gospel
REL275 - Teachings and Doctrine of the Book of Mormon

Each of these Cornerstone classes explores profound aspects of spirituality, faith, and knowledge, offering a deeper understanding of religious principles. By incorporating these courses into your BYU-Pathway experience, you lay a strong foundation for academic and spiritual development, paving the way for your future studies at BYU-Idaho.
Overall, my journey through PC101 and the Gathering was interesting. As I progressed through this course and engaged with the Cornerstone classes, I discovered the true value of education as a means to achieve my goals. The skills I acquired, combined with the spiritual insights gained from the Cornerstone classes, continue to shape my academic pursuits and enrich my personal growth.
In conclusion, embarking on the path of PC101 and Cornerstone classes at BYU-Pathway is a transformative experience that prepares students for a fulfilling and successful future. The foundations built during these courses serve as pillars of strength, guiding us towards realizing our aspirations at BYU-Idaho and beyond. So, let's embrace the opportunities that BYU-Pathway offers and set forth on an exciting journey of self-discovery and growth!

Thursday, July 27, 2023

BYU-Pathway & Family History

Last year, in February, a strange urge sparked within me to further my education. As I explored various options, one program stood out—the BYU-Pathway program, which I had known about for years but never seriously considered. In April (2022), I took the leap and embarked on a life-changing journey with BYU-Pathway, and eventually enrolling in the Family History path—a choice that resonated deeply with my passions and aspirations and as of writing this today, I am happily enrolled at BYU-Idaho.
Ok, but what is BYU-Pathway? For those unfamiliar, BYU-Pathway is a globally recognized program offered through The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This extraordinary program provides a pathway to earning an affordable degree from either BYU-Idaho or Ensign College. With a range of paths to choose from, students can tailor their academic pursuits to align with their personal interests and career goals.
Among the various pathways offered, the one that captured my heart was Family History. The prospect of delving into the intricacies of genealogy and preserving the rich tapestry of family stories enthralled me. With an unwavering resolve, I knew this was the path I was destined to pursue.
To achieve my goal of obtaining an associate degree in Family History, I need to complete two essential certificates, along with a selection of complementary courses. As of writing this, I am one class short of completing the first certificate, which I will future go over in another post. This foundation will provide me with valuable insights and skills, laying the groundwork for a fulfilling career in this specialized field.
While the associate degree would have sufficed for many, my passion for Family History has compelled me to continue my academic journey by earning a bachelor’s degree in professional studies, augmented by additional enriching courses.
One aspect that sets BYU-Pathway apart is the nurturing and supportive environment it fosters. Throughout my academic pursuit, I discovered a community of like-minded individuals who shared my ardor for Family History. Professors and mentors, all deeply invested in their students' success, guided me through every step of the learning process.
Beyond the academic achievements, my experience with BYU-Pathway has brought about personal growth and a profound sense of fulfillment. The knowledge I gained not only enriched my understanding of Family History but also instilled in me a greater appreciation for my heritage and the interconnectedness of humanity.
The decision to join the BYU-Pathway program and pursue Family History has been an extraordinary chapter in my life. Through this transformative journey, I have deepened my passion, expanded my horizons, and embraced the invaluable connections that bind us all as a global family. As I eagerly anticipate the unfolding of my future, I am profoundly grateful for the enriching experiences and life-changing opportunities that BYU-Pathway has provided me. For anyone seeking a path to personal and academic growth, I wholeheartedly recommend considering BYU-Pathway—an extraordinary conduit to a brighter future.

Disclaimer: This post is in no way sponsored by any program or institution. All comments are based on my personal experience and personal opinions.

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Let's be genea(ious)...

Hello! I am Jamie, a proud Virginia native, and my life's quest began when I was just 14 years old. I've always felt a compelling desire to understand my origins, beyond the obvious knowledge of being the result of two individuals coming together. However, I was raised by my amazing adoptive grandparents, especially my namesake grandfather, James. And with my mother's guidance, I learned all there was to know about their side, but a significant piece of my identity remained missing – the history of my biological father.

The Discovery:
At the age of 14, I embarked on a search to find my biological father, igniting a path of exploration that has since brought me a wealth of knowledge about my family's history, on both my maternal and paternal sides. As the years unfolded, my passion for genealogy only intensified, prompting a life-changing decision last year, at the age of 36 – to return to college and become a professional genealogist.

Education and Growth:
My educational journey began with the BYU-Pathway program, and I am currently pursuing my studies at BYU-Idaho, where the Family History program has been an invaluable resource. The wealth of knowledge I've gained has been nothing short of incredible.

A Space for Reflection:
Through this blog, I seek to document my educational endeavors, chronicle my personal journey, and share future projects that I may undertake. My hope is that my experiences might inspire and assist others who venture down a similar path.

The Birth of "Geneaious":
The name "Geneaious" was inspired by a friend who suggested the play on words – "be a geneaious" (be a genius) – but I opted for the clever twist of "be geneaious" (be serious) to reflect the significance of genealogy in my life.

Decoding "Genea":
For those curious about the meaning behind "genea," according to BibleTools.org, it is derived from a word denoting "a generation; an age, be it a period or the individuals within it." [1]

Join me as I delve deeper into my past, explore the lives of those who came before me, and discover the ties that bind us all. Let's unravel the tapestry of our ancestry together!

[1] "Strongs's #1074: genea",  Greek/Hebrew Definitions, accessed July 25, 2023, https://www.bibletools.org/index.cfm/fuseaction/Lexicon.show/ID/G1074/genea.htm

Disclaimer: This post is in no way sponsored by any program or institution. All comments are based on my personal experience and personal opinions.